CHANGELOG for Biome-BGCMuSo v6.4 2022-07-01 by Dóra HIDY -------------------------------- Changes from 6.2alpha to 6.2.1 -------------------------------- - BUG FIXING: in fertilization.c (water content of fertilizer goes into pond water) - DEVELOPMENT: implementation of groundwater calculation into Richards method -------------------------------- Changes from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2-b1 -------------------------------- - BUG FIXING: in flowering_heatstress.c (calculation of flowering heat stress) - DEVELOPMENT: after flowering heat stress, the carbon assimilation of the grain pool is limited (depending on the Closs due to flowering heat stress) -------------------------------- Changes from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2-b2 -------------------------------- - MODIFICATION: resetting fruitC_HRV variable on the first day of the year (instead of the day of planting) -------------------------------- Changes from 6.2.2 to 6.3-b1 -------------------------------- - DEVELOPMENT: taking into account canopy water evaporation in calculation of potential evaporation (PET=evapPOT+transpPOT+cwe) - BUG FIXATION: potential transpiration can limit actual sum of transpiration (from version MuSo6.3) - DEVELOPMENT: in conditional irrigation, the number of the affected layer can be set by the User conditional irrigation is activated only if LAI>0.2 m2/m2 modified section of INI file: CONDITIONAL_MANAGEMENT_STRATEGIES 0 (flag) conditional mowing ? 0 - no, 1 - yes 0.0 (m2/m2) fixed value of the LAI before MOWING 0.0 (m2/m2) fixed value of the LAI after MOWING 0.0 (%) transported part of plant material after MOWING 0 (flag) conditional irrigation? 0 - no, 1 - based on SWCratio, 2 - based on SMSI) 4 (n) number of soil layers taking into account in cond. IRRIGATION (-9999: RZ) 0.6 (prop) starting point of cond. IRRIGATION (condIRGflag=1:SWCratio, condIRGflag=2:SMSI) 0.9 (prop) SWCratio of rootzone after cond. IRRIGATION 50 (kgH2O/m2) maximum amount of irrigated water - DEVELOPMENT: in senescence simulation three senescence mortality parameters are available in EPC file previous versions - aboveground, belowground, non-structured new versions - maximum of leaf senescence mortality coefficient, maximum of softstem/froot senescence mortality coefficient, multiplier for non-structured - BUG FIXATION: percolation of the bottom layer is zero if GW is available in soil column - DEVELOPMENT: testing option (if aerodyn. resistance== DATA_GAP -> no soil evaporation) - DEVELOPMENT: groundwater simulation capillary fringe can be estimated from PSIsat values modification of 2. groundwater calculation method percolation from capillary zone is limited -------------------------------- Changes from 6.3-b1 to 6.3-b2 -------------------------------- - MODIFICATION: senescence is only occured (SMSI > 0): if leafC is greater than 0 - DEVELOPMENT: control to avoid oversaturated SWC pool in richards.c -------------------------------- Changes from 6.3-b2 to 6.3-b3 -------------------------------- - DEVELOPMENT: adjustment of allocation parameters due to small error (<10-4) in the setting of allocation parameters (warning into logfile) - DEVELOPMENT: control of the groundwater data reading (to avoid memory allocation error) - DEVELOPMENT: new output variable (root index; 3127) - the ratio of live&dead root biomass to total live&dead biomass -------------------------------- Changes from 6.3-b3 to 6.3-b4 -------------------------------- - DEVELOPMENT (only for expert users): in case of conditional managment a starting year can be set by the user -------------------------------- Changes from 6.3-b4 to 6.3-b5 -------------------------------- - MODIFICATION: root index [3127] is calculated on the day of the harvest (similar to harvest index) new output variable: belowground ratio [3128] is the ratio of the root (woody: fine+coarse, non-woody: only fine root) and the total vegetation biomass on the given day - MODIFICATION: unit of leaching variables are kgN/m2 uniformly - BUG FIXATION: small corrections in Richards calculation -------------------------------- Changes from 6.3-b5 to 6.3-b6 -------------------------------- - DEVELOPMENT: new output variables - layer-defined cumulated leached sminNH4 [2131-2140] and sminNO3 [2151-2160] -------------------------------- Changes from 6.3-b6 to 6.3-b7 -------------------------------- - DEVELOPMENT: new output variables - cumulated C and N allocation [2587 and 2588] - MODIFICATION: cumulative SWC and N stress is resetted on the first day of year (instead of at the end of the vegetation period). Thanks to this it can be used as annual variable - BUG FIXING: in calculation of soil water stress using transpDemand method (soilstress_calculation.c) in layers where no root is available no root -> no transpiration -> no stress (instead of no root -> no transpiration -> full stress) - BUG FIXING: in calculation of available water (multilayer_transpiration -------------------------------- Changes from 6.3 to 6.4-b1 -------------------------------- - DEVELOPMENT: introduction of different groundwater calculation method for the soil hydrology calculations (Tipping and Richards) 3 new subroutines: groundwaterRICHARDS.c, groundwaterRICHARDSpostproc.c, groundwaterTIPPING.c in case of Tipping - "increasing FC values" groundwater method in case of Richards - "CF calculations" groundwater method for Richards: 12 soil layers in case of GW - normal layers, capillary zone and groundwater zone - DEVELOPMENT: thickness of capillary fringe is not an input data, but it is estimated by the model using PSIsat values of the different soil layers - DEVELOPMENT: calculation (and printing out) of net water flux (signed sum of percolation and diffusion) instead of percolation and diffusion separately (tipping.c, richards.c, output_map_init.c) - DEVELOPMENT: calculation (and printing out) of leaching (sminNH4, sminNO3, soilDOC and soilDON) based on net water flux instead of percolation and diffusion fluxes separately (multilayer_leaching.c, make_zero_flux_struct.c, output_map_init.c) - MODIFICATION: instead of soilw_from_GW - GWdischarge (groundwater_snk) - BUG FIXING: SWCstressLENGTH variable is not reinitialized on the first simulation year - MODIFICATION: cumulative water and N stress variable is resetted only on the first simulation year (in order to use as annual variable) -------------------------------- Changes from 6.4-b1 to 6.4-b2 -------------------------------- - BUG FIXING: correction of N2O_Ceq calculation in summary.c (NGB calculation is affected also) - DEVELOPMENT: new output variable - cum_CH4 [3129] - BUG FIXING: correction of the logic of heat stress during anthesis - it causes mortality in flowering phenophase (not in the next one) - MODIFICATION: onday and offday output variables can be used as annual data (on last simulation day it contain the data referring to the actual year) - BUG FIXING: in initalization of soilwDiffus variable in case of SHCM_flag = 2 (tipping without diffusion - test version) - BUG FIXING: initialization of cumulative leaching variables on the first day of every simulation year - DEVELOPMENT: new routine (annVARinit.c) for initialization of annual/cumulative variables - DEVELOPMENT: new output variables for examinig cumulative N-immobilization and N-mineralization from different sources [2434-2443] - MODIFICATION: removal of the option of using the old version of the SOILf file (with extraSOIparameters.txt) - DEVELOPMENT: new SOI parameters: CN ratio of soil1, soi2, soil3 pool, estimation of total SOC-content to end spinup run - DEVELOPMENT: new input control in epc_init.c (SGS must be less than 365) - BUG FIXING: resetting of the onday/offday variables only at the end of the routine (phenphase.c) - BUG FIXING: in tipping.c - resetting soilw_diffus variables for all soil layers - DEVELOPMENT: new output variable - cum_nbp [3130] -------------------------------- Changes from 6.4-b2 to 6.4-b3 -------------------------------- - BUG FIXING: correction of onday/offday output (annual variable) -------------------------------- Changes from 6.4-b3 to 6.4-b4 -------------------------------- - BUG FIXING: correction remday_curgrowth and remday_transfer parameters - DEVELOPMENT: new SOIL parameters: decomposition limitation parameters (FP-WP ratio) -------------------------------- Changes from 6.4-b4 to 6.4-b5 -------------------------------- - DEVELOPMENT: modified decomposition limitation parameters (FP-HW ratio) - BUG FIXING: corrected diffusion coefficient in Richards SWC calculation method