To extend the
vertical mixing ratio measurements up to the top
of the planetary boundary layer occasionally air
samples have been taken over the tower by means
of a small aircraft. The samples were analyzed
for several greenhouse gases (CO2,
CH4, N2O, SF6,
CO, CO2 stable isotope composition)
by Laboratorie des Sciences du Climate et de l'Environnement,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
From the beginning of 2006 until January, 2009
frequent in situ airborne CO2 mixing ratio profiles
have been measured using gas analyzer made by
AOS, Inc.
The temporal resolution of the profile was 1 second.
Those measurement have been performed in the framework
of the CARBOEUROPE-IP project.
Details about the
aircraft that we hired
Type: Cessna-210M
Registration: HA-SVT
Powerplant: Continental
IO-520L, 300Hp
max speed: 324km/h (175kt)
long range cruising speed: 260km/h (140kt)
initial rate of climb 950ft/min
service ceiling 17300ft
max range with reserves 1750km (950nm)
empty weight: 1015kg (2238lb)
max take off weight: 1725kg (3800lb)
wing span 11.15m (36ft 9in)
length 8.59m (28ft 2in)