Meteorology courses

MT-101 I/1. Calculus 4+2

Real numbers, convergent series, one-variable real functions, limit value, continuity, differentiability, rules of differentiation, mean value propositions, derivative of elementary functions, notion of differentiate, approximate calculation, absolute and relative error.

Rieman-integral, integrability, Newton-Leibnitz-formula, integrational methods. Integration of rational functions, approximate methods, physical and geometrical application of the integral calculus, infinite rows.

MT-201 I/2. Calculus 4+2

Integrability and differentiability of function rows. Taylor-rowscaling, Fourier-rowscaling, metrical space, linear normal space, n-dimensional Euclidean space, differentiability of complex functions, chain-rule.

Taylor-formula concerning more-variable functions, calculation of extreme values, along-curve integral, potential function, closed along-curve integral, physical application; differential equations, explicit differential equation system, basis of calculus of probabilities.

MT-301 II/1. Calculus 4+2

Basis of general measure theory, Peano-Jordan-measure, Rieman-integral of more-variable functions, double, and triple integrals, integral-transformations, applications: centre of gravity, volume, interia moment, calculation of length of arch, surfaces, tangential plane; Lebesque-measure and -integral, integrable function rows; holomorf functions, linear projections, integral of complex functions, meromorf function, residuum-thesis, Laplace-transformation.

MT- 402 II/2. Partial Differential Equations 2+2

Concept of partial differential equations, physical examples, quasi linear equations, Cauchy-task, classification of secondary partial differential equations, canonical form of constant-coefficient secondary equations, solving of Cauchy-task concerning equation of heat conduction with application of Fourier -transformation.

MT-502 III/1. Partial Differential Equations 2+2

Solving of Cauchy-task concerning one, two and three wave-equation. Green-formulas for elliptic differential operator, Poisson-equation, Green-function, elliptic eigenvalue-problem, property of eigenvalues and eigenfunction, function of sphere, hyperbolic and parabolic functions.

MT-103 I/1. Introduction to Mathematics 2+1

Complex numbers, operations, polynomial-theory, algebraic equations, vectors, vector fields, linear independence, basis, scalar product, orthogonality, real and complex Euclidean spaces, Hilbert-spaces, linear projections, matrix, determinant, linear equation systems, eigenvalue, eigenvector, principal-axis transformation, Jordan-form of matrix, classification of secondary curves.

MT-203 I/2. Introduction to Mathematics 2+1

Continuity and differentiability of scalar-vector, vector-scalar, vector-vector functions, homogeneous linear projections, gradient-vector, derivative tensor, and their disintegration, invariant of derivative tensor, rotation, divergence, Laplace-operator, curve-line coordinate systems, elements of curve- and surface-theory.

MT-504. III/1. Probability Theory 3+1

Elementary events, operations of event algebra, property and interpretation of probability, conditional probability and independence, theory of complete probability, Bayes-theory, classical probability fields, urn-model, notable discreet distribution, Markov and Chebishev inequality, law of great number, Kolgomorov probability fields for continuous case, distribution and density function, notable distribution, parameters, probable-values, standard deviation, median, momentums, more-dimensional probability variables, conditional distributions, convolution-theory, expected value, and standard deviation of amount, correlation, covariance.

MT-604. III/2. Probability Theory 3+2

Methods of mathematical statistics, sample, sampling, methods of parameter estimations, property of estimation, orderly sample, linear regression, base of estimation theory, Batey-estimation and decision, deficit function, Nadaraja-method, analogical method, cluster analysis, hypothesis examination, stochastic procedures in meteorology, homogeneous and isotropic fields, structural functions, interpolation, natural orthogonal rowscaling.

MT-305. II/1. Computing 2+2

Buildup of computers, principle of its working, peripheries of computer, and their usage. User knowledge connected with personal computers, designs of algorithms, systematic programming. Documentation of programs. Operating systems. MS-DOS commands. Windows. Internet. World Wide Web. HTML basics.

MT-405. II/2. Computing 0+2

PASCAL and FORTRAN programming languages. Procedures and parameter exchanges. Input and output commands. Data processing programs. Monte-Carlo-models, simple models for simulation of meteorological procedures.

MT-606. III/2. Informatics 2+2

Theory of programming. Variable getter and finder algorithms, quick-sort, linear search, logarithmic search, recursive algorithms, Fibonacci-numbers, Hanoi-tower, ....

MT-706. IV/2. Informatics 0+3

Graphical editing. Function plotting, spatial representation, graphical representation of meteorological fields. Program tests, possibility of design of computer models.

MT-507 III/1. Numerical Methods 0+2

Error calculation, equation solutions, radical of polynome, Sturm-method, Newton-method, iteration, gradual approximations, approximate methods of linear algebra, iteration solution methods of linear equations, relaxation methods, Gauss-Seidel-, Jakobi-methods, matrix inversion. Function approximation with polynome, finite and shared differences, Lagrange-interpolation, numerical differentiation, orthogonal polynomes, Hermite-interpolation, spline-method, least-squares approximations. Numerical integration, interpolation qudrature formulas, Newton-Cotes formulas, Simpson, and trapeze formulas, complex formulas, Monte-Carlo method, ordinary differential equations, Euler-method, Runge-Cutta-methods, interpolation methods, stability, convergence, predictor-corrector methods.

MT-108 I/1. General Physics 3+2

Mechanics, kinematical discussion of punctual motions, speed, acceleration, harmonical vibrant motion, throw, circular motion, dynamical discussion of punctual motions, force, basic equation of dynamics, accelerating systems, rotating coordinate-systems, Newton-laws, friction, work, performance, energy, potential. Motion of planets, law of gravitation, law of conversation of impulse, collisions. Statics of rigid body, dynamics of rotating body, mechanism of deformable body, oscillations and waves, acoustic.

MT-208 I/2. General Physics 4+2

Thermodynamics, equation of state of ideal gas, internal energy, laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamical engines, method of heat propagation, heat conduction, heat flow, radiation of heat.

MT-308 II/1. General Physics 4+2

Electricity, electrostatic field in vacuum, and in dielectric, electric current, elektro-magnetic waves. Optics, propagation of light, optical projections, and instruments, polarization, double refraction.

MT-408 II/2. General Physics 0+3

Theory of relativity, atomic physics, basis of quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics. Solid body physics.

MT-409 II/2. Theoretical Physics 4+2

Mechanics, kinematics, mass, force, Newton-laws, conversation theories, planet-motions, accelerating systems, punctual systems, Lagrange-equations, mechanism of rigid body. Electrodynamics: electric current, charge, gradient, magnetic induction, Maxwell-equations, electrostatics, stationer currents, induction, electromagnetic energy, electromagnetic waves, radiation of black body, radiations of elements.

MT-409 III/1. Theoretical Physics 4+2

Thermodynamics, Hydrodynamics, ideal liquids, gravitational waves, vortical flows, friction liquids, turbulence, boundary layer, heat propagation in liquids, sound, shock wave, one-dimensional gas propagation.

MT-609 III/2. Theoretical Physics 2+0

Magnetohydrodinamics: basic equations, stationare flows, vortical flows, waves in infinite medium, basics of plasma physics

MT-110 I/1. Astronomy 2+0

The Solar System: structure and physics of the Sun, terrestrial effects of the solar activity, physics of the planet atmospheres, smaller orbs in the Solar System.

The Galaxy: the stars, the interstellar substance. Extrgalaxies.

The history of the Universe: the Hot-Universe theory, genesis of the Solar System, evolution of the planet atmospheres.

MT-111 I/1. Geography 2+1

Natural and economical geography, geospheres, landscape, parts of the landscape, landscape factors, geographical zonality. Geomorphology: inner forces, outer forces, living water, surface rinse, oceanic water, ice above and behind the surface, surface alignment. Types of aligned surfaces, dynamic morphologic equilibrum. The most important relief types and their evolution, slopes, plains, mountains, valleis, basins, coast lines. Basics of the climatic morphology. Traces of the historical climat changes in the relief types. Relationship between the climate, soil types, natural greenery.

Agricultural zones on the Earth: conditions of the agricultural production, relief, climate, natural greenery, soil; social conditions of the agricultural production: distribution of the population, growth of the population, future problem of the food production. Forms of lordship, farming types. Settlement system of the Earth, the urbanization - urban climate; the climate - settlement - macroclimate - microclimate.

Practice: basics of the spheric astronomy, astronomical coordinate-systems, different time calculation methods, geographical localization. Introduction to geographical maps, databases, journals.

MT-212. I/2. Cartography 2+1

Criterias of the map, presentation of the map plots, denotations. The masurement: the shape and size of the Earth, parameters of the orbit, horizontal measurements, horizontal base-point network, height measurements, the topographical measurements, the measuring table survey, point compression, photogrammetry. Map projections, basic notations, projection caused distortion, types of the projections, projections applied in Hungary, recognition of the projections, grouping of the projections. Basics of the cartography: relief, elements of the plane drawings, presentation methods of the thematic cartography. The usage of the maps: orientation of the map, determination of the standpoint, determination of coordinates of points, distance and area measuring, measurement of angles.

Practice: cultivation of procedures in connection with the cartographical methods.

MT-113 I/1. Introduction to Geophysics 2+0

Location and significance of meteorology in the earth sciences. Formation of the Earth, changes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Shape and gravitational field of the Earth. Spinning, rise and fall of the sea. Basics of the seismology, inductions to the structure of the Earth. Magnetic field of the Earth, connections to the processes of the ionosphere and magnetosphere.

Geothermics and radiology: origin of the geothermic heat, age determination by radioactive method. Stone generation processes: formation and quality of minerals. Climate indicator depositions and fossils. Methods of the paleoclimatology.

History of the Earth, evolution of life.

Processes forming the surface of the Earth. Plate tectonics: building edges and subduction areas, mountain formation.

MT-314 II/1. Chemistry 2+2

Basic concepts and rules of the chemistry: mass, energy, conservation rules, elements, compounds, atom weight, molecule weight. Structures of the atoms: atomic kernel, isotopy, stability of the atomic kernels, radioactivity, kernel reactions, electrons, quantum numbers, atomic orbits, periodic system. The structure of the molecules: chemical bondings, molecule orbits, bonding energy, oxidation number. Properties of the aggregations. gases, gas laws, liquids, solutions, solid materials, chrystal layout, ionic mesh, atomic mesh, molecular mesh, metallic mesh, phase equilibrums, tension.

MT-414. II/2. Chemistry 2+2

Colloidal systems: types, boundary surface phenomenons, adsorption, electrokinetical potential, dispersed systems, diffusion, deposition, optical properties, viscosity.

Energetics of chemical processes: thermochemistry, Hess-theory, electrochemistry, cells, electrolysis, reactions, catalysts, chain reactions, photo chemistry, photosinthesys. Chemical equilibrums.

Basics of the inorganic chemistry: hidrogen, hydrids, noble gases, halogens, oxigene, ozone, water, sulfur, nitrogene, nitric acid, phosphore, carbon.

Basics of the organic chemistry: isomer, stereoisomer, hydrocarbonates, olefins, paraffins, alcohols, fenols, C-S bondage, carbon acids. Basics of analitic chemistry.

MT-815. IV/2. Hydrometeorology 2+1

Origin and distribution of water content on the Earth. The hydrological cycle, the general form of the water balance equation. The precipitation: quantity, intensity, content, spatial and temporal distribution. Methods on determination of areal averaged precipitation. Evapotranspiration. Methods on determination of areal evaporation. Distillation, soil moisture. Drainage basins. The runoff, runoff deficits. Mathematical model of the runoff. Water balance, equations. Area-height-content analysis. Determination of possible maximum precipitation. Investigation on accuracy and confidence of hydrological forecasts. Enhancement of accuracy of hydrological forecasts with the application af meteorological forecasts.

MT-116. I/1. Introduction to Meteorology 2+0

History, domain, and location of meteorology between the sciences. Formation, composition and stratification of the atmosphere. Mechanical forces in the atmosphere. Radiations. Miscellaneous atmospheric physics phenomenons (cloud microphysics, formation of precipitation, atmospheric optics). Atmospheric thermodynamics.

MT-216. I/2. Introduction to Meteorology 2+0

The moving atmosphere and ocean: the pressure and the winds; hydrodinamic description of the atmospheric motions. Classification of the horizontal motions. Scales of atmospheric motions. The general circulation. Synoptic scale motions in the atmosphere. Processes in the sub-synoptic scale. Thunderstorms. The planetary boundary layer. Meteorological processes in the lower latitudes (tropical, subtropical cyclones, monsoon-circulation). Ocean currents; ocean-atmosphere interactions. The water circulation in the atmosphere. Transport of trace gases in the atmosphere.

MT-317 II/1. Climatology 3+0

Climatology of the general circulation, radiation balance, rotation of the Earth, orographic effects. Idealized models, wind systems, action centers, regional and seasonal properties. Ocean currents. Climatic frontal lines and air masses, jetstreams. Thunderstorms of the tropical circulation, the monsoon wind system, tropical cyclones, the El Nino phenomena, southern oscillation. Circulation disturbances of he middle latitudes, the Van Bebber-type cyclon fields.

MT-417 II/1. Climatology 2+1

Climate of the Earth: climatic averages, climatic variables zonally change, seasonal changes, periodic and quasiperiodic variables. Global and spatial variability and extreme values of the different climatic elements (temperature, air moisture, wind, precipitation, cloudiness, radiation, air pressure). Principles of the main climatic classifications (Trewartha, Budiko, practical classifications), differences in regional climates. Macrosynoptic pattern systems, empirical and objective classifications of macrocirculation, macrocirculation pattern type systems of Hess-Brezowsky and Péczely.

MT-717 IV/1. Climatology 2+1

Climate of Hungary. Concepts of agroclimatology. Special meso- and microclimates: climate of mountains, climate of cities, climate affected by extensive water surfaces, microclimate of forests.

MT-817 IV/2. Climatology 2+1

Natural and anthropogenic factors of climate changes. Scenarios of global warming. Principles of global climate models, and classification of these models; some important parts of statistical climatology.

MT-418 II/2. Atmospheric Physics 2+1

Electricity in the atmosphere: conductivity, potential gradient, vertical electric current, ionization in the atmosphere, reactions between molecules, equilibrium of the ionization process, electromagnetic field of electric discharges, lightnings, electricity during thunderstorms, measurements of electrical variables in the atmosphere.

MT-518 III/1. Atmospheric Physics 2+1

Cloud Physics: formation of water droplets in the atmosphere, condensation. Formation of ice crystals in the atmosphere. Growth of water drops and ice crystals, formation of precipitation in liduid and mixed phase clouds, electrical processes in Cumulonimbus clouds. Modification of microphysical processes, dispersal of fog, hail suppression, frost protection in agriculture. Protection against hailstorms, hailstorm forecast, concepts and technologies of hail suppression.

MT-618 III/2. Atmospheric Physics 2+1

Introduction to radiation. Physical fundamentals, electromagnetic waves, thermodynamics of radiation, radiation fundamentals on the basis of quantum theory. Fundamentals of astronomy and solar physics, mutual location and variability of Sun and Earth, systems of coordinates, time reckoning. Physics of radiative transfer (emission, absorbtion, reflection, general form of the equation of radiative transfer). Physics of radiation measurements. Applications: measuring of turbidity and solar constant, calculating transmission in infrared spectrum, sounding of the atmosphere.

MT-519 III/1. Dynamic Meteorology 2+2

Thermodynamics - concepts, reversible and irreversible processes, the ideal gas laws, the first and the second laws of thermodynamics, entropy, thermodynamical potentials, phases, phase changes.

MT-619 III/2. Dynamic Meteorology 2+2

Thermodynamics of the atmosphere - Poisson's equation, thermodynamical characteristics of dry and wet air, adiabatic and pseudoadiabatic changes. Statics of the atmosphere - scalar fields, forces in the atmosphere, principle equation of statics, theoretical atmospheres.

MT-719 IV/1. Dynamic Meteorology 3+1

Kinematics of the flow field - Lagrangian and Eulerian variables, representation of the flow field, non-divergence and non-rotation flows, the continuity equation. Hydrostatical balance - stability criteria, convection. The equations of motion - the pressure gradient force, the viscosity force, the Coriolis force and the gravitational force.

MT-819 IV/2. Dynamic Meteorology 2+1

Lagrangian and Eulerian forms of the equations of motion, equilibrium motions in the atmosphere, circulation and vorticity; friction and turbulence in the atmosphere, the planetary boundary layer, wind profiles, diffusion, wave motions in the atmosphere, surfaces of discontinuity. Synoptic systems - tendency equation, hydrodynamic and baroclinic instability, energy of baroclinic waves, the general circulation of the atmosphere.

MT-520 III/1. Atmospheric Chemistry 2+1

Composition and structure of the atmosphere. Evolution of the atmosphere of the Earth, chemistry of the main atmospherical constituents, dissipation of the cosmic gases, secondary atmospherical components, relationship between atmospheric nitrogen and biosphere, growth of the atmospheric oxygen level during geological eras, changes in atmospheric carbon-dioxide. Atmospherical trace gases (hydrogen, helium, methane, carbon-monoxide, ozone, nitrogenous compounds, sulphur compounds). Formation, concentration, size distribution and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol particles, their changes with relative humidity. Removal of trace constituents, dry and wet deposition, precipitation composition. Relationship between atmospherical composition and climate change, past climate changes, radiation balance of the Earth-atmosphere system, climate theories, climate change modelling, present climate changes and their possible interpretations. Relationship between climate changes and air pollution.

MT-721 IV/1. Synoptic Meteorology 3+4

History of the synoptic method, history of the Hungarian Meteorological Service. Fields of the meteorological elements and their analysis, baric and wind field, topographical maps, differential characterictics of the wind field. Baric systems, gradient wind, geostrophic approximation, thermal wind, confluence, diffluence.

MT-821 IV/2. Synoptic Meteorology 2+4

Air masses, their conservative characteristics, transformation of air masses, equilibrium temperature. Types of fronts, frontogenesis. Tropopause, jetstreams, structure and weather of cyclones and anticyclones, structure and evolution of midlatitude synoptic systems. Energy conversions in circulation systems, effects of heat sources and heat sinks in formation and evolution of midlatitudes cyclones, orographic impacts.

MT-921 V/1. Synoptic Meteorology 0+4

Forecasting the synoptic situation, motion of synoptic systems and forecasting them, prediction of the air pressure field. Forecasting temperature, wind, cloudiness, precipitation, fog and visibility. Prediction of thunderstorms, stability indices. Special characteristics of the Carpatian Basin in terms of short-range weather forecast. Application of different parameterizations. Creating weather forecast, verification.

MT-922 V/1. Mesosynoptics 2+1

Mesometeorological networks, orders of mesoscale variables, principles and techniques of analysis. General characteristics of mesoscale systems. Characteristics, evolutional stages of Cumulonimbus cloud, thunderstorms outflow. Evolution, structure, characteristics and prediction of squall lines. Mesoscale systems in cyclonic precipitation field. Mesoscale structure of cyclones. Characteristics of low-level jetstreams. Seasonal, monthly and daily presence of jetstreams, vertical wind shear in low-level jetstreams, low-level jetstreams in anticyclones, structure of jet cores and their impacts on weather.

MT-923 V/1. Satellite Meteorology 2+1

Basic equations in description of satellite orbits; remote sensing applied in synpotic meteorology; APT and WEFAX transmission. Particular analysis of the electromagnetic spectra of the Earth-atmosphere system. Identification of synoptic objects on satellite photos; differently shaped and sized cloud clusters; mezo- and macroscale cloud systems; nephanalysis. Radiation measurements from satellites; determination of vertical profiles of temperature and humidity; counting of the wind velocity.Remote sensing applied in hidrometeorology and agrometeorology. Hidro- and agrometeorological parameters measured by satellites; the role of satellites in the world-wide atmospheric research program; satellite types; satellite systems.

Practical: basic knowledge in application of the satellite photos; geographycal identification of satellite data; counting the horizontal range of clouds; cloud identification; nephanalysis; determination of radiatoin balance; determination of vertical distribution of temperature and humidity.

MT-724 IV/1. Dynamic Modeling 3+0

Hydro-thermodynamic equations in the atmosphere; numerical prediction; dynamic modelling of the atmosphere; initial and boundary conditions. Resolution of the hydro-thermodynamic equation system using different co-ordinate systems; mapping. Isobaric vorticity and divergency equation. Invariants of atmospheric dinamic equations. Conservation of vorticity. Available potential energy.

MT-824 IV/2. Dynamic Modeling 4+0

Simplification of the hydro-thermodynamic equation system. Scale analysis methods; the quasistatic equation system; polytropic and barotropic approximations; consistent approximations of the prognostic equation system. Linearization of the atmospheric equations; five basic modes in the atmospheric movements; inner gravitational waves; inertial waves; Rossby waves. Parametrization of the microphysical processes and the surface-atmosphere interactions. Parametrizations of the turbulent exchange processes in the planetary boundary layer.

MT-925 V/1. Numerical Prediction 3+0

Solving the hydro-thermodynamic equation system; method of efficiency function; spectral and pseudospectral methods. Finite difference method; order of approximation; convergence; stability. Direct and iterative procedures in solution of the elliptic border equation in the filtrated prediction models. Solution of the hyperbolic equations in the primitive equation-based models; Godunov-Rjabenkij stability criteria; the Kreiss theorem. Initial conditions for the prognostic equation; interpolation of meteorological fields; spline-approximated data assimilation.

MT-025 V/2. Numerical Prediction 3+0

Filtrated prediction models based on the solution of vorticity and divergency equations. Barotropic prediction models. Baroclinic prediction models; multilevel quasigeostrophic and non-geostrophic prediction models. Numerical prediction models based on primitive equations. Hemispherical, semiimplicite finite difference and spectral models. Dinamic models of the general circulation. Solution of the mesoscale numerical prediction equation.

MT-926 V/2. Long Range Forecasting 2+1

The role of the long range forecasting in the meteorology; society expectations; general circulation of the atmosphere; characteristics of the circulation of troposphere and stratosphere. Statistical characteristics and energetics of the general circulation. Atmospheric circulation in the European region; circulation indices; circulation types. Climatological and statistical concepts connected with long range forecasting, climatological characteristics; statistical structure and resolution of meteorogical fields, analysis of long climatological time series. Methods of long range forecasting; meteorological and mathematical background of prognostic methods based on analogy. Analogies based on pressure field; dynamic methods; synoptic methods; period analysis; ultra long range forecasting. Evaluation methods of forecast reliability. Terrestrial and extraterrestrial influences; oceans, ice and snow cover; solar influences. Long range forecasting in Hungary; historical overwiev; present methods; future tendencies.

MT-727 IV/1. Meteorological Data Assimilation 0+3

Computer data assimilation systems of meteorological purpose. Information storage and recovering systems. Processing of meteorological telegrams. Verification methods. Meteorological field transformation and representation. Radar and satellite picture interpretaion. Using picture information in the process of short range forecasting.

MT-827 IV/2. Meteorological Data Assimilation 0+3

The Hungarian operational computerized data assimilation system. Possibility of data storage and asking. System services. program packages of meteorological purpose. Mathematical subroutine library. Standards in programming and documentation. Planning and computer realization of meteorological models. Introduction to operative working models.

MT-228 I/2. Meteorological Equipments and Measurements 2+1

Metrology, about the weights and measures, about errors, instrumental system of the meteorological measurements; the global observational system and its equipment; meteorological codes; basic telecommunication system; data control and operation control; the Hungarian observational, telcommunication and data handling system and its operation. Standard meteorological measurements: measurement of temperature, humidity, precipitation, evaporation, clouds, pressure and wind.

MT-228 III/2. Meteorological Equipments and Measurements 2+2

Telemechanical instruments: sensors, basic of the measurement technology, sensor fitting, electric wind sensors, temperature measurement with electric instruments, electrical and electronical sensors, visibility and cloud height measureing instruments, measurements of air electricity, registrating equipments, data collectors, meteorological towers, telecommunication in telemechanical systems, automatization of land surface measurements, remote control, automatization of the thunderstorm observation at Lake Balaton. Radiolocation equipments and measurements: weather radar and radar observations, sounding with aerological radar, Doppler-radar measurements, measurements with laser radar (LIDAR), acoustic radar (SODAR), radiolocation in satellite measurements, ionosphere observing, radionavigation system used for upper atmospheric measurements (NAVAID).

MT-829 IV/2. Agricultural Meteorology 3+1

Subject and aim of the agricultural meteorology; air exchange in the air-land-vegetation system. Radiation circulation; haet circulation; water circulation. Air movements and turbulent exchange. Meteorological examination in vegetations.

MT-929 V/1. Agricultural Meteorology 3+1

Connections between meteorological factors and the plant. Meteorological conditions of the artificial growing, breeding and storage chambers. Protection against harmful weather influences, agrometeorological methods.

Practice: Sources of the agrometeorological database, agrometeorological experiment types. Characteristics of the micrometeorological measurement technique, measurements of air exchange, radiation, temperature, humidity, choosing maesurement sites; measurements in soil and vegetation; methods of the fenology and biometry; vegatational and meteorological indeces, application of agrometeorological methods.

MT-030 V/2. Traffic Meteorology 3+0

Historical review, important aeridynamical concepts connected to the flight. Connection of atmospheric conditions and weather elements with the flight. Weather situations dangerous to the flight; forecasting. Land surface, upper atmospheric, radar and satellite observations used in flight meteorological information, forecast and special reports. Content and form of forecasts, documentation and special reports given for traffic flights.

Weather elements and their connection with transportation, traffic and building operations. General meteorological knowledge (climatological, synoptical) connected to the traffic. Meteorological information available for traffic meteorology reports. Forecasts made for small aeroplanes and agricultural flights, road traffic, railway and water traffic. Special weather information proved for sport flights (sail-planes, helicopters, hot air baloons, gliders). Medical meteorology problems in connection with safety of the traffic.

Practice: Practicing in flight meteorology service (Ferihegy airport, Hungary). Contribution to storm observation at Siófok.

MT-631 III/2. Environmental Protection 2+0

Atmospheric transport modeling; process of the air pollution (emission, transmission, immission); turbulence; turbulent diffusion; equation of the planetary boundary layer; problem; statisical theory of turbulence; dynamical and statistical modeling of pollution spreading; Gauss equation; box model.

MT-631 IV/1. Environmental Protection 2+0

Air quality planning; the complex systems of air pollution processes; emission catasters; factors of the transmission; up-to-date interpretation of air quality data. Methods and models in air quality planning; methods for the calculation of the influence in high stack, multiple source, urban traffic and urban air pollution; regional models of air quality planning; application. The influence of air pollutatnts on vegetation; symptoms of the damage on a plant; factors influencing tha damage; possibilities of decreasing the damage on the vegetation.

MT-932 V/1. Special laboratory in connection with the thesis 0+4

In the 5th year the students attend to regular consultation that provides help with making their thesis.

MT-932 V/1. Special laboratory in connection with the thesis 0+8

See MT-932

MT-933 V/1. Special Lectures 2+0

The 5th year students must get credits from the given 2 - 3 lectures, 4th year students (and all) can attend faculatatively.

MT-033 V/2. Special Lectures 2+0

See MT-933

MT-234 I/2. Summer Practice

Synoptic observation practice on a principal station of the Hungarian Meteorological Service.

MT-234 II/2. Summer Practice

Meteorological observation practice at flight meteorology, argocultural meteorology and thunderstorm observing services.

MT-234 III/2. Summer Practice

Atmospheric physics practice (air chemistry, radiation, aerology)

MT-234 IV/2. Summer Practice

Practice connected to the thesis.

MT-735 IV/1. Physics of the Upper Atmosphere 2+0

Subject of aeronomy; physical aeronomy; energy-uptake of the upper atmosphere; mechanical and chemical balance in the upper atmosphere; molecular diffusion; changes in the upper atmosphere; measurements of the atmospheric parameters; atmospheric models; the exosphere. Chemical aeronomy; dissociation; recombination. Optical phenomena; emission mechanisms; daylight and twilight radiation; polar aurora. Electric currents in the upper air; charged particles moving in magneted plasma; the electric conductivity tenzor; dynamo theory; drift in the F-layer. Structure of the lower and the middle ionosphere; kinematics of the ionization; ionosphere layers; daily, seasonal, solar cycle changes. The F2 layer and the protonosphere; formation of the F2 field; the heat balance of the ionosphere. Perturbation of the ionosphere; electromagnetic wave spread in the ionosphere. Interaction of the solar wind and the terrestrial magnetic field; structure and forming of the magnetosphere; moving charged particles in the Earth's magnetic field; magnetosphere-storms.

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