Műholdas kutatások az ELTE-n

ELTE TTK vevőállomása segítségével


A saját készítésű oldalaink nagy része az alábbi egyetemi diplomamunkán alapszik:

Kern, A., 2004. NOAA AVHRR/3 műholdképek vétele, előfeldolgozása és minőségbiztosítása (ELTE TTK HRPT vevőállomás). Diplomamunka. Témavezető: dr. Bartholy Judit. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Meteorológiai Tanszék, Budapest, 79p.


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Derrien, M., Farki, B., Harang, L., LeGléau, H., Noyalet, A., Pochic, D., Sairouni, A., 1993. Automatic cloud detection applied to NOAA-11/AVHRR imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 46, 246-267.

Eastwood, S., Thyness, V. W., 2003. Snow cover using 1,6 µm AVHRR channel 3A. The 2003 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference.

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Gutman, G., 1991. Vegetation indices from AVHRR: An update and future prospects. Rem. Sens. Environ., 35, 121-136.

Heidinger, A. K., Cao, C., Sullivan, J. T., 2002. Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) to calibrate advanced very high resolution radiometer reflectance channels. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D23), 4702.

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Hyvärinen, O., 1999. Investigations of NOAA AVHRR/3 1.6 micron imagery for snow, cloud and sunglint discrimination. http://produkter.smhi.se/saf/

Kerényi, J., Putsay, M., 2000. Investigation of land surface temperature algorithms using NOAA AVHRR images. Adv. Space Res., 26,1077-1080

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Koslowsky, D., 1996. Mehrjährige validierte und homogenisierte Reihen des Reflexionsgrades und des Vegetationsindex von Landoberflächen aus täglichen AVHRR-Daten hoher Auflösung. Meteorologische
Abhandlungen. Frei Universität Berlin, Institut für Meteorologie. Band 9, Heft 1, 237 S.

Koslowsky, D., 1997a. Signal Degradation of the AVHRR shortwave channels of NOAA 11 and NOAA 14 by daily monitoring of desert targets. Adv. Space Res. Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1355-1358.

Koslowsky, D., 1997b. A cloud screening algorithm for daytime AVHRR data using dynamic thresholds. Adv. Space Res. Vol. 19, No. 3, 533-536

Koslowsky, D., Billing, H., Eckardt, M. 2001. Sensor degradation and intercalibration of the shortwave channels of the AVHRR - NOAA 11/14/16 satellites. Proc. of "The 2001 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference", Antalya,Turkey, 1-5 October 2001.

Kovács, L., Szenyán, I. 1996. Development of AVHRR Image Registration in Hungary. Advanced Space Res., 17/1, 123-126.

Köpken, C., Thépaut, J. N., Kelly, G., McNally, A., 2001. Satellite data assimilation for numerical weather prediction. The 2001 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference. http://www.eumetsat.de/en/area2/proceedings/eump33/pdf/

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Mitchell, R. M., O’Brien, D. M., Forgan, B. W., 1996. Calibration of the NOAA AVHRR shortwave channels: II. Application to NOAA 11 during early 1991. Rem. Sens. Environ. 55, 139-152.

Mitchell, R. M., O'Brien, D. M., Edwards, M., Elsum, C. C., Graetz, R. D. 1997. Selection and initial characterization of a bright calibration site in the Strzelecki Desert, South Australia, Canadian J. Remote Sens., 23, 342-353.

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Putsay, M., Kerényi, J., Szenyán, I., Sebők, I., Németh, P., Diószeghy, M., 2001. Nighttime fog and low cloud detection in NOAA-16 AVHRR images and validation with ground observed synop data and radar measurments. http://www.eumetsat.de/en/area2/ proceedings/eump33/pdf/session_3/poster/Putsay.pdf

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Rao, C. R. N., Chen, J., Sullivan, J. T., Zhang, N., 1999. Post launch calibration of meteorological satellite sensors. Adv. Space Res., Vol. 23, No. 8, 1357-1365.

Saunders, R., W., Kriebel, K. T., 1988a. An improved method for detecting clear sky and cloudy radiances from
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Saunders, R., W., Kriebel, K. T., 1988b. Errata (re: An improved method for detecting clear sky and cloudy radiances from AVHRR data.) International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 9, 1393-1394.

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Thépaut, J. N., 2004. Satellite data assimilation in numerical weather prediction: an overview. http://www.ecmwf.int/newsevents/training/meteorological_presentations/MET_DA.htm

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Az oldalt készítette: Kern Anikó
Copyright (C) ELTE Department of Meteorology