Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,
M.S. Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,
Ph.D. Time Series Analysis, Eötvös Loránd University,
Budapest, 1978
Ph.D. EOF/Cluster Analysis, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest,
Dr. Habil. Eötvös Loránd University, Department
of Meteorology, Budapest, 1996
of interest
climatology, climate change methodology, climate change modeling,
urban climatology, applied climatology, time series analysis, orthogonal
time series expansions, long-range forecasting, renewable energy
resources, wind energy usage.
German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian (native language)
Head of the Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd
Budapest, Hungary
Professor, Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd
University, Budapest. Teaching climatology, climate change studies,
general meteorology and statistical climatology and conducting research
on applied climatology, regional downscaling, extreme event analysis
and climate change.
Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology, Eötvös
Loránd University, Budapest
Researcher, Department of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd
University, Budapest
Scientific Secretary, Central Meteorological Institute, Hungarian
Meteorological Service, Budapest, Hungary
Postdoctoral Scholarship, Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest,
Postdoctoral Scholarship, NMC NOAA, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
Researcher, Central Meteorological Institute, Hungarian Meteorological
of research projects supervised or participated in during the last
10 years. (source, budget, identification number, running period,
title, supervisor/participant).
Supervisor: Monitoring urban heat island effect by new methodology.
(OTKA/T-034867) - 3. 800.000.- Ft
2000-2002 Hungarian supervisor: Airborn European Regional Observations
of the Carbon Balance (EU-5, EC AEROCARB EVK2-CT-1999-00013) - 136
000 EURO
1998-2001 Supervisor: Climate of Hungary using new mathematical
methodology, measuring techniques and observation systems. (OTKA/T-026629)
- 4. 000.000.- Ft
1995-2000 Supervisor - Wind climate analysis, estimation of wind
potential, possible wind power use in Hungary, ELTE Dept. of Meteorology,
Budapest (OTKA/T-15707). - 3.200.000.- Ft
1998-2001 Operative participation in editing the new Climate Atlas
of Hungary
Supervisor: Maintainenance and development of meteorology education
on graduate and postgraduate level. FKFP. - 400.000.- Ft
1997-2000 Supervisor: Climate of Hungary using new methodology,
measuring techniques and observation systems. FKFP-0193. - 4.000.000.-
1994-1996 Hungarian supervisor in a joint Swiss-Hungarian project
with ETZH/Zürich - "Modelling climate change with nested
GCM/LAM models (SNSF - project) - 12.000.- CHF
1992- Joint research with Dept. of Civil Engineering, University
of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. Modelling climate change (NSF/INT-91-19295)
1992- Joint research with Dept. of Systems Engineering, University
of Arizona, Tucson USA. Modelling climate change and classification
of macrocirculation patterns (NSF/INT-91-19295)
1992-1996 Joint research - Evaluation of climate variability in
the Lake Balaton, and watershed of Sió-channel. ELTE Dept.
of Meteorology, Budapest (OTKA/T-4196).
Joint research - Large-scale climate fluctuations and teleconnections
(OTKA/F-7669) joint project with Ministry of the Environment Protection
and Regional Development, Budapest (OTKA/F-7669).
List of the main results stemming from the above projects:
of macrocirculation classification systems using multi-step clustering
algorithms, their application in seasonal forecasting models
Development of downscaling models for estimation of regional effects
of the global climate change
Generation of climate scenarios for the most vulnerable regions
of the Carpathian Basin (Lake Balaton, and watershed of Sió-channel,
Great Plains)
Methodological analysis and operative developments for evaluating
extreme meteorological phenomena (floods, droughts, heatwaves)
Potential use of renewable energy resources in Hungary (field experiments,
model adaptation, model developments)
of the most important publication in the last 5 years:
J., Pálvölgyi T., Matyasovszky I., Weidinger T., Bogárdi
I., (1995): Overview, status and perspectives of numerical climate
researches at the Eötvös University, Budapest. WMO/ICSU/IOC
Report Volume on "Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic
Modelling", edited by A. Staniforth, Report No. 21. WMO/TD-No.
665. 7.1-7.3
J. - Matyasovszky I. - Bogárdi I. (1995): Effect of climate
change on regional precipitation in Lake Balaton watershed. Theoretical
and Applied Climatology, Springer Verlag Vol. 51., No. 4., pp. 237-250.
J., Weidinger T., Mészáros R., Barcza Z. (1997): Pannon
Enciklopédia. Magyarország földje. Az éghajlat,
a vizek, a talaj és az élővilág földrajza
fejezet. Kertek 2000, Budapest. pp. 224-237.
R., I. Bogárdi, L. Duckstein and J. Bartholy (1998): Risk
of regional drought influenced by ENSO. In Risk-based Decision Making
in Water Resources VIII. Y.Y. Haimes, D. Moser and E. Z. Stakhiv
(eds.), ASCE Press, Reston, Virginia, USA, pp. 114-125.
I., T. Weidinger and J. Bartholy, Z. Barcza (1999): A review of
the present state of regional climate change studies in Hungary.
Geographica Helvetica, Swiss Journal of Geography, Jg. 54., 1999/Heft
3., pp. 145-153.
J., (1999): Az éghajlat, mint rendszer, globális klímaváltozások.
(chapter in book titled Humánökológia: A természetvédelem,
a környezetvédelem és az embervédelem
tudományos alapjai. Editor: Nánási Irén.)
Medicina Kiadó, pp. 177-203.
selected publications:
J. - Keller L. (1984): Meteorological aspects of acute cerebrovascular
dieseases. Zeitschrift für Medizin-Meteorologie, 3. Jahrgang,
2. 84. p. 8.
J. (1989): Determination of seasonal macrosynoptic types using cluster
analysis and rotated EOF analysis. Acta Climatologica, Tomus XXI-XXIII.
Fasc. 1-4, pp. 23-33.
J. (1990): A data set of hemispherical snow cover fields (1966-1983)
and its possible effects on other meteorological parameters on the
global and regional scale. Climatic change in the historical and
the instrumental periods (edited by R. Brazdil), Masaryk University,
Brno pp. 98-104., Chechoslovakia
J. - Duckstein L. (1993): Evaluation of climate change impact on
local hydrological parameters, Part I: A subjective macrocirculation
classification for southwestern USA. Engineering Risk and Reliability
in a Changing Physical Environment, NATO ASI series, pp.73-82.
T., Matyasovszky I., Bogárdi I., Bartholy J. (1995): Climate
change impact on daily pan evaporation. Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 4.
Jahrgang, Heft 6. pp. 235-245.
J., Matyasovszky I., Weidinger T. (2000): Regional climate change
in Hungary: a survey and a stochastic downscaling method. Időjárás,
Vol. 104. No. 4. pp. 211-223.
and Ph.D. students supervised recently
Galambosi (M.S. 1993)
Szilárd Sárközi (M.S. 1994)
Róbert Mészáros (Ph.D. in progress 1994)
Márta Diószegi (Ph.D. in progress 1994)
Imre Szőllősi (M.S. 1995)
Pongrácz Rita (M.S. 1996)
Kovács Attila (M.S. 1996)
Vígh Gabriella (M.S. 1996)
Horváth F. Ákos (Ph.D. in progress 1996)
Pongrácz Rita (Ph.D. in progress 1996)
Radics Kornélia (M.S. 1997)
Szilágyi Krisztina (M.S. 1997)
Radics Kornélia (Ph.D. in progress 1997)
Molnár Zsófia (M.S. 2000)
Havasi Ágnes (Ph.D., in progress 2000)
Éva Borbás (Ph.D. 2001)
of scientific activity:
Number of publications: 216.
Among them in English or German: 104.
Summary reports, reviews: 20.
Presentation on conferences from 1992: 72
Among them international conferences: 39
Number of citations (without self-citations): 107.
Number of monographies: 1
Number of chapters in monographies: 5.