Remote sensing releated research at the
Department of Meteorology
based on data
provided by the
ELTE receiving station
MODIS images

Collection of Terra/Aqua True Color MODIS images
received by the
Space Research Group
and processed by the
Department of Meteorology

The Caspian Sea and the delta of the river Volga
(Terra 2005.12.31. 08:05)
South-west France (Terra 2005.12.21 10:44)
Smoke in the region of London (Terra 2005.12.11. 10:07)
Hungary (Terra 2005.12.12. 09:12)
The Carpathian Mountains (Terra 2005.12.12. 09:12)
Cyclone above the Mediterranean Sea (Aqua 2005.12.09. 12:02)
Hungary after the first snowfall of the winter 2005/2006
(Terra 2005.11.23. 10:19)
The River Seine in France (Terra 2005.11.19. 10:44)
The delta of the River Coruh in Ajaria (Georgia)
(Terra 2005.11.13. 08:06)
Hungary in hazy weather (Terra 2005.11.09. 10:07)
Iceland (Terra 2005.11.04. 11:27)

The Carpathian-Basin (Terra 2005.10.28. 09:42)


The Black Sea (Terra 2005.10.24 08:30)


Thin fog over the surface of the Lake Balaton in Hungary
(Terra 2005.10.23. 09:24)

The delta of the Danube (Terra 2005.10.13. 08:52)
The High Tatra Mountains surrounded by with low-level clouds
(Terra 2005.09.19. 09:36)
Sand-storm at the coast of Libya and Egypt (Aqua 2005.09.15. 11:44)
You can see in the corner the size of Lake Balaton as a scale.
Cote d'Azur in France (Aqua 2005.09.14. 12:39)
Phytoplankton bloom in Norway, by the North Cape
(Terra 2005.08.13. 10:55)
Forest fires in Portugal (Terra 2005.07.21. 10:49)
Flooding in Romania (Terra 2005.07.16 09:00)
Storage-lake Atatürk, Karakaya and Keban (from the south to the north)
in Turkey along the Eufrates
(Terra 2005.07.01. 08:00)
Cyclone above western Russia (Terra 2005.07.01. 08:00)


The applied software is the MODIS True Color which was created by Liam Gumley (1),
Jacques Descloitres (2) and Jeffrey Schmaltz (2), 2003.
(1) Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2) MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The installation of the satellite data receiving station was supported by
the Hungarian Space Office and The Ministry of Informatics and Communication

The researches at the Department of Meteorology,
at the Eötvös Loránd University was supported by the following projects:
OTKA T-034867 (2001-2005), IHM TP-241 (2004-2005),
IHM TP-258 (2005-2006), IHM TP-287 (2006-2007) and IHM TP-338 (2008-2009)

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The website was designed and it is maintained by: Kern Anikó
Copyright (C) ELTE Department of Meteorology