Remote sensing releated research at the
Department of Meteorology
based on data
provided by the
ELTE receiving station
MODIS images

Collection of Terra/Aqua True Color MODIS images
received by the
Space Research Group
and processed by the
Department of Meteorology

The Carpathian basin (Terra 2006.06.27. 09:31)
Phytoplankton bloom in the Norvegian Sea
(Aqua 2006.06.10. 12:10)
Phytoplankton bloom in the Norvegian Sea
(Aqua 2006.06.05. 11:51)
Phytoplankton bloom in the Black Sea
(Aqua 2006.06.02. 11:20)
The plateau Cihanbeyli and the Lake Tuz in Turkey
(Terra 2006.05.29. 08:24)
The peninsula Kanyin in Russia (2006.05.28. 09:18)

Low-level stratus above the Mediterranean Sea by Gibraltar
(Aqua 2006.05.17. 13:00)

Smoke drifting slowly further over the Norwegian Sea
(Aqua 2006.05.09. 12:09)
Smoke drifting further to the Norwegian Sea
(Aqua 2006.05.08. 11:26)
Smoke drifting further to the North Sea
(Terra 2006.05.06. 11:35)

Smoke drifting further to Western Europe

(Aqua 20060506 11:39)


Smoke in Central Europe originating from Eastern Europe

(Terra 2006.05.05. 09:12)

Spring agricultural fires (marked with red squares) in Eastern Europe covering large areas
(Terra 2006.05.03. 09:24)
The Shetland Islands (Terra 2006.05.03. 11:03)
Smoke in Northern Europe originating from Eastern Europe
(Terra 2006.04.30. 10:32)
Comparison of the normal and the extrem high water in the Carpathian-Basin during the floods of spring, 2006 with false coloring
Floods in Hungary with false colors
(Terra 2006.04.08. 09:31)
The floods of the Danube on Hungary with false colors
(Terra 2006.04.04. 09:55)

The Near East during the solar eclipse on 29th March, 2006

(See the picture below, which was taken in the following day under the normal light circumstances)

(Aqua 2006.03.29. 10:38)

The Near East on the next day of the solar eclipse of year 2006

(See the picture abowe, which was taken during the solar eclipse on 29th March, 2006)

(Terra 2006.03.30. 08:00)

Cloud-streets above northern Germany and Denmark
(Aqua 2006.03.22. 12:09)
Central-Europe (Terra 2006.03.13. 10:32)
(You can see in the thumbnail Hamburg, and the river Elbe and Weser)

Sandstorm above the Mediterranean Sea
(See the pictres below, which were taken in the previous days.)

(Terra 2006.02.25. 08:54)

Cyclone above the Mediterranean Sea with sandstorm
(See the picture above, which was taken in the following day and see the pictres below, which were taken in the previous day.)

(Terra 2006.02.24. 09:49)
Sandstorm by the coasts of Libya
(See the pictures above, which were taken in the following days and see the previous picture, which was taken 3 hours earlier)

(Aqua 2006.02.23. 12:27)
Sandstorm by the coasts of Libya
(See the next picture, which was taken 3 hours later)

(Terra 2006.02.23. 09:06)
Inland waters in the Carpathian Basin (Terra 2006.02.19. 09:30)

Inland waters in the Carpathian Basin with false color visualization (Terra 2006.02.19. 09:30)

The delta of the Danube (Terra 2006.02.07. 09:06)
North Scotland (Terra 2006.01.30. 11:33)
Crimea (Terra 2006.01.24. 08:53)
Cyclone above Northern Africa
(Aqua 2006.01.20. 12:39)
The Carpathian-Basin
(Terra 2006.01.16. 09:42)
Southern part of Finland (Terra 2006.01.12. 10:06)


The applied software is the MODIS True Color which was created by Liam Gumley (1),
Jacques Descloitres (2) and Jeffrey Schmaltz (2), 2003.
(1) Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2) MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The installation of the satellite data receiving station was supported by
the Hungarian Space Office and The Ministry of Informatics and Communication

The researches at the Department of Meteorology,
at the Eötvös Loránd University was supported by the following projects:
OTKA T-034867 (2001-2005), IHM TP-241 (2004-2005),
IHM TP-258 (2005-2006), IHM TP-287 (2006-2007) and IHM TP-338 (2008-2009)

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The website was designed and it is maintained by: Kern Anikó
Copyright (C) ELTE Department of Meteorology