Remote sensing releated research at the
Eötvös Loránd University based on data
provided by the
ELTE receiving station
MODIS images
Latest image


Open the MODIS today composites for Europe in Google Earth

(Date: 20170925


Central part of the latest overpass:



The applied software is the MODIS True Color which was created by Liam Gumley (1),
Jacques Descloitres (2) and Jeffrey Schmaltz (2), 2003.
(1) Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2) MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
(II) és a Direct Broadcast Google Earth. Készítették: Liam Gumley (1), Amato Evan (1)


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The website was designed and it is maintained by: Kern Anikó
Copyright (C) ELTE
Technical assistance: Kovács Richárd