Remote sensing releated research at the
Department of Meteorology
based on data
provided by the
ELTE receiving station
MODIS images

Collection of Terra/Aqua True Color MODIS images
received by the
Space Research Group
and processed by the
Department of Meteorology

The chimneys of coal-fired power plants in the center part of the misty England
(Terra, 2006.12.20 11:09)

Hungary in foggy weather (Aqua, 2006:12:14 11:53)
Mount Etna with ash plume in Sicily (Terra, 2006.11.24 10:32)
Carpathian-Basin (Aqua 2006.11.28. 11:53)
Hungary (Terra 2006.11.16. 09:43)
Crete (Terra 2006.11.15. 09:00)
Wave clouds over the British Isles (Aqua 2006.11.06. 12:30)
Contrails above Western France (Aqua 2006.11.04. 12:42)
Karman vortex street shed by Jan Mayen island in the Arctic Ocean
(Terra 2006.10.17. 11:09)
Polluted and hazy air in northern Italy
(Aqua 2006.10.13. 11:41)
The Aral sea (Aqua 2006.10.08. 09:48)
The first snow in Europe during the autumn of 2006 (Norway, North Cape)
(2006.10.01. 09:31)
Autumn in Central Europe (Aqua 2006.09.21. 12:17)
Autumn in North Scandinavia (Terra 2006.09.15. 09:31)
Cold front over Central-Europe (Terra 2006.09.08. 09:25)
Forest fires in the Aegean sea with the time lag of 3 hours & 20 minutes
(Terra 2006.08.22. 08:42 and Aqua 2006.08.22. 12:05)
Forest fires in Spain and Portugal (Aqua 2006.08.07. 12:48)
Pivot irrigated regions in Desert Harra, in the northen part of
Saudi-Arabia (Terra 2006.07.11. 08:06)
Phytoplankton bloom in the Norvegian Sea
(Aqua 2006.07.05. 12:04)


The applied software is the MODIS True Color which was created by Liam Gumley (1),
Jacques Descloitres (2) and Jeffrey Schmaltz (2), 2003.
(1) Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2) MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The installation of the satellite data receiving station was supported by
the Hungarian Space Office and The Ministry of Informatics and Communication

The researches at the Department of Meteorology,
at the Eötvös Loránd University was supported by the following projects:
OTKA T-034867 (2001-2005), IHM TP-241 (2004-2005),
IHM TP-258 (2005-2006), IHM TP-287 (2006-2007) and IHM TP-338 (2008-2009)

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The website was designed and it is maintained by: Kern Anikó
Copyright (C) ELTE Department of Meteorology