Remote sensing releated research at the
Eötvös Loránd University based on data
provided by the
ELTE receiving station
MODIS images

Selection of the received Terra/Aqua True Color MODIS images from 2011

Polluted hazy airmass in the Carpathian Basin

(Aqua, 2011.11.03, 11:50)


Clear weather in the Carpathian-Basin

(Terra, 2011.05.06. 09:42)


Hazy and polluted air drifted out from the Po Valley and Karman vortices over the Tirren Sea

(Terra, 2011.02.07. 10:31)


Partial solar eclipse in Europe

(Terra, 2011.01.04. 09:05)


The applied software is the MODIS True Color which was created by Liam Gumley (1),
Jacques Descloitres (2) and Jeffrey Schmaltz (2), 2003.
(1) Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2) MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The installation of the satellite data receiving station was supported by
the Hungarian Space Office and The Ministry of Informatics and Communication

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